Hot and Sexy Actress Porimoni Biography and Photos

 Hot and Sexy actress Porimoni took born in the year of 1991 in Shatkhira district. Her life was not less than a drama itself. Her Grandfather Shamsul Gazi reared her after the death of her father Monirul Islam and mother Salma Sultana, all alone in Pirozpur district. Porimoni completed her both SSC and HSC from Barishal. In the year of 2011 she moved in to Dhaka city and started to learn dancing in BAFA. In the present, she is a student of 3rd year of Bengali in Shatkhira Govt college.


 Porimoni was become on the news headlines, by signing for almost 23 films agreements at once just before any of her movies got released even. Even before releasing any of her films, she had become talk of the town by giving birth of so many rumors, both positive and negative. Started with TV commercials, she acted in TV drama and finally she has ended up with big silver screen.

“Valobasha shimahin” was her first debut film. Before she started her career in movie, she acted in 4 TV drama series named – Seconed innings, exclusive, extra bachelor, nari o nobonita tomar jonno. Among them, she played the lead role in the drama series “Nari o nobonita tomar jonno.” In her very first drama series, she got to be lucky to share the screen with two of the living legends - Illias kanchon and chompa. In her another drama named “Nari o nobonita tomar jonno” directed by Jkaria shoukhin, film star Amin khan, flim actress Popy and Ishana also acted with her. Till now she almost acted in 12 films. These are – Valobasha shimahin, Rana plaza, Mon jure tui, Pure jai mon, Innocent love, Lover no. 1, Mon jane na moner thikana, Dhumketu, Nogor mastan, Mohua sundori etc.

Before releasing any of her films she was always on the headlines of the news papers. Among them most hot gossips are- acted cozy kissing scene with another film star Shakib khan, dancing in item number song in short dress and rumor of getting casted in Ananta jalil’s movie when Anata jalil himself refused of the fact later on.

There was a rumor that Porimoni was married, against the rumor she claimed in an interview, given on the june of 2014, that she is not married and has no plan to marry any film director later as well. But 2 months post to this interview, another rumor went viral that Porimoni had an affair with the main director Rana from director Apurbo-Rana duets and as a result director Rana’s wife Sathi tried to commit a suicide. And again after few days later, Porimoni denied to accept any relevancy of the news and claimed it as one of the rumors that aimed to destroy her career. Point to be noted, in august 20th Sathi suddenly reached in a shooting spot somewhere near Pubail where Rana was taking the shoot and at a point a shocking fight took place between the husband wife.















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